Vote for Lineage 1.5
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Vote for Lineage 1.5
Vote for Lineage 1.5
Vote for Lineage 1.5
Vote for Lineage 1.5
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Classes:Mage Elf Illusionist Damageable:No
Safe Enchant:3Type:Staff
Damage Bonus:0Hit Bonus:0
Critical Rating:0Magical Critical Rating:0
Strength Bonus:0Intelligence Bonus:0
Constitution Bonus:0Wisdom Bonus:0
Dexterity Bonus:0Charisma Bonus:0
Health Bonus:0Mana Bonus:0
Health Regen Bonus:0Mana Regen Bonus:0
Magic Defense Bonus:0Spell Power Bonus:0

A weapon bestowed with a special spell that increases the ability for physical attack, but at the sacrifice of bonus magic.

Passive Ability

Can damage Heartless Succubus

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