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Support Ticket: "Soul Enchantment Scroll: Weapon not working proper"
Game - Bug
Date Posted:7/4/13 8:11am
Originally, I have a level 20 +13 eps.
I used a Soul Enchantment Scroll: Weapon on the eps and it failed, it went to level 19 +12 eps. Is it normal?
After I leveled it back to level 20 and used Soul Enchantment Scroll: Weapon, it went to +13, and then add another Soul Enchantment Scroll: Weapon, it said "the +13 eps goes blue for a while" but it stayed at +13. Is it normal too?
Thirdly, I found that when adding Soul Enchantment Scroll: Weapon, it said "the +13 eps does nothing". I guess this is normal, right?


  • I think the weapon can lose SXP and Enhant at the same time then. Please close this ticket.

    Posted at 7/12/13 3:42pm