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Support Ticket: "Everything is gone!!"
Game - Bug
Date Posted:7/28/11 1:00pm
My main character (Thorcon) has nothing on him, everything is gone. Equipment, adena etc, totally striped. When I log on to him I can't even speak, global, wisp etc. I left this character last nite in shop mode. I have 1 other character (Lancing) that is mainly just storage, I can get on to him but again I cannot talk or anything and confusing enough he has all his stuff. Please fix the server, Thank you Zaj
Bug report may seem the same as Darlyn's, is because we are husband and wife in r/l.

  • This is due to lag with the server db, I restarted the server, everything is working properly now.

    Posted by Zajako at 7/28/11 2:10pm