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Support Ticket: "Nothing works"
Installation - Installer
Date Posted:2/9/15 9:24am
Hi, really nothing works for installation. i ve done it with web installer and it stucks at copying files then i tried it with full pack but nothing happens, even the wizard dont show up. Something strange happened too when i tried to dl the full pack from the mirror site, when it reached 70-80 pct download the google chrome snaped. Then i downloaded straight from your site, so i wonder if the file is corrupted. Excuse me for my english, not my native language.

P.S: Please help me any way you can, i ve never played L1 and i really want to try it out. Thanks!

  • the files are not corrupt, I've not heard of any people having problems with it.

    Try using the mirror with the mega plugin installed to your browser, it should be able to prevent it from crashing.

    Posted by Zajako at 2/10/15 10:29am