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Item Type: Potion | Arrow | Event | Firecracker | Food | Gem | Light | Material | Pet | Quest | Scroll | Spellbook
                      Throwing | Totem | Container | Wand | Other
 Item NameTypeOptions
White Day CardEventView
Frightening ArtifactMaterialView
Soul Stone: Legendary ZajakoQuestitemView
Leather of Sheba Human: EarthMaterialView
Temporal Chest: Silver DragonTreasure_boxView
Potion of PurificationPotionView
High Grade Transmat IronTreasure_boxView
Dusk MetalMaterialView
Mid-Grade Elixir IntelligencePotionView
Sealed Majestic Robe FabricMaterialView
Arrow PackageTreasure_boxView
Reserved Instance Pass Copy CopyScrollView
Soul Stone: Undying Gloom ShamanQuestitemView
Spell BoxTreasure_boxView
Soul Stone: DaedalusQuestitemView
XP Event Rune MAXEventView
Lindvior Bounty SatchelTreasure_boxView
Letter of Researchers: Researcher HeadQuestitemView
Ample Innate Healing PotionPotionView
Power Doll: BugbearOtherView
Emblem Piece of the Royal FamilyQuestitemView
Potion of TalentPotionView
Parum's Crop PouchTreasure_boxView
Magic Doll: Green Fire EggOtherView
Memory Crystal (Patience)SpellbookView
Pa'agrio's Blessing of LoveTreasure_boxView
Spell Scroll (Curse: Blind)ScrollView
Corrupted TOI Charm - 51FOtherView
Spell Scroll (Heal)ScrollView
Lost Soul ShardQuestitemView
Heart of FirebirdMaterialView
Fafurion Wheel TokenOtherView
Phantom Armor Enchant Scroll: 6 hours (Blessed)ScrollView
Incomplete LogbookQuestitemView
Elven WaferPotionView
Ghoul NailQuestitemView
Haunted Reward PumpkinTreasure_boxView
Magic Block - UEventView
Spell Scroll (Turn Undead)ScrollView
Soul Stone: TOI F41-50QuestitemView
Sealed History Chapter 2QuestitemView
Elemental Crystal (Inferno)SpellbookView
Spell Scroll (Blessed Armor)ScrollView
Orc Fang AmuletQuestitemView
Transformed Black Fighter Earrings 1OtherView
Incomplete LogbookQuestitemView
Letter of NonameQuestitemView
Event Birthday CakeEventView