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Item Type: Potion | Arrow | Event | Firecracker | Food | Gem | Light | Material | Pet | Quest | Scroll | Spellbook
                      Throwing | Totem | Container | Wand | Other
 Item NameTypeOptions
Scroll of Teleportation - SKT Caves 4FScrollView
Ancients' Book of Magic, Volume 3MaterialView
7th Generation Heirloom of the Druga ClanTreasure_boxView
Scroll of Enchant Weapon (Cursed)ScrollView
Jewel Fragment - OpalMaterialView
Scroll of Teleportation - Watery Grave of SpiScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Elven Forest DungeoScrollView
Devil's Black ShacklesMaterialView
Map:Silver Knight TownOtherView
Grace Aligned - T5XScrollView
Egoistic Powder of KahelQuestitemView
Lesser Healing PotionPotionView
Head of YaheeQuestitemView
Tooth of FafurionMaterialView
Thebes Instance PassScrollView
Cupid's LoveScrollView
Gemstone - DMaterialView
Grandfather's TreasureQuestitemView
Sealed History Chapter 2QuestitemView
Scroll of Teleportation - Heine Basement DungScrollView
Dimensional Vault Expansion (Blessed)OtherView
Scroll of Teleportation - Pledge HouseScrollView
Antharas Bounty SatchelTreasure_boxView
Fruit SaladFoodView
The Longest L Spell - 2022ScrollView
Smooth Shot - SoulPotionView
U CardEventView
New Year's Cubic - 2015Treasure_boxView
Letifer's Spur (Blessed)MaterialView
Omega Elixir: StrengthPotionView
Spirit GemMaterialView
PvP Arena Reward BagTreasure_boxView
White CrystalMaterialView
High Quality Pouch of KarifTreasure_boxView
Logbook Page 4QuestitemView
Ultra Elixir: DexterityPotionView
Dragon Tablet (Shock Skin)SpellbookView
Scroll of Mass TeleportScrollView
Yellow Box of GratitudeTreasure_boxView
Coin of BraveryPotionView
Valakas Wheel TokenOtherView
Talking ScrollQuestitemView
Magic Block - AEventView
Ivory Tower Scroll of ReturnScrollView
Seer's BloodPotionView