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Item Type: Potion | Arrow | Event | Firecracker | Food | Gem | Light | Material | Pet | Quest | Scroll | Spellbook
                      Throwing | Totem | Container | Wand | Other
 Item NameTypeOptions
Eva's TearsEventView
Soul Shot - S80PotionView
Blessings of LoveScrollView
Directive of Eris 1QuestitemView
Magic Block - CEventView
Yellow Box of GratitudeTreasure_boxView
Banana CandybarFoodView
Marshall's RewardTreasure_boxView
Soul Core - Infinite (Blessed)MaterialView
Magic Block - YEventView
Page of Pride - 3QuestitemView
Blood Pledge LetterOtherView
Processed Ruby 3GemView
Boat Ticket to Hidden DockOtherView
Greater Love WandWandView
Hero Scroll: Dragon KnightScrollView
Transformed Black Knight Earrings 3OtherView
Scroll of Teleportation - ToS 1FScrollView
Uncrafted Ring of Hero 1 (Wind Spirit)OtherView
Sealed TOI Charm - 91FOtherView
Bottle of Antharas' SoulMaterialView
TOI Charm - 91F (Blessed)OtherView
Emblem Piece of the Royal FamilyQuestitemView
Blessed Magic Transmat OreTreasure_boxView
Twig of EntMaterialView
Kent Emblem ShieldOtherView
Scroll of Teleportation - Mirror ForestScrollView
Undead KeyQuestitemView
Crushed Claw of AntharasMaterialView
Tail of YaheeQuestitemView
Yellow SparklerFirecrackerView
Sealed Majestic Cape DesignMaterialView
Soul Stone: SebastianQuestitemView
Tree Topper Star (Blessed)EventView
Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet PatternMaterialView
Wings of VarlokMaterialView
Tainted Ogre BloodQuestitemView
Independence Fireworks - 2014FirecrackerView
Fafurion ChestOtherView
Crack Death Knight ElixerPotionView
Scroll of Resurrection (Blessed)ScrollView
Memory Crystal (Panic)SpellbookView
Scroll of PolymorphScrollView
Blessed Enchant Armor - XScrollView
TOI Teleport - 31FScrollView
Bride's DressScrollView
Dragon LB Device (Blessed)ScrollView
T5 Transformation: KnightScrollView