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Server Info
Discord: l15server
Current Events
EXP Event: 1.5x
SXP Event: 1.5x
Free Crack Event!
Free Death Event!
25 per dollar donated!!
Current Chip Buffs
5Y Chip: Mag Defence 20%
10Y Neck: Penetration +80
10Y Ear: Intelligence +5
10Y Ring: Mag Defence 60%
New Features!
Mysterious Codex
L1.5 Arcade
L1.5 Arcade!!

Female ElfEmpava
Male DarkElfZajako
Male MageDragonSpell
Male RoyalUkyo
Male KnightBeetlejuice
Male RoyalQAnon
Male ElfSmokinArrows
Male ElfStardeep
Male DragonknightJeb
Male ReaperCollecter
Male MageVelcro
Male MageRoboto
Male Knight*Hidden*
Male Knight*Hidden*
Male ReaperZatoichi
Male ReaperWreckage
Male Royal*Hidden*
Male Royal*Hidden*
Male Mage*Hidden*
Male Mage*Hidden*
Male ElfMatty
Male ElfFEAR
Male DarkElf*Hidden*
Male DarkElf*Hidden*
Male MageSooleawa
Male DarkElf*Hidden*
Female Mage*Hidden*
Male Elf*Hidden*
Male Elf*Hidden*
Male Mage*Hidden*
Male Mage*Hidden*
Female Mage*Hidden*
Female RoyalHolyTrinity
Male DarkElfTelos
Female Mage*Hidden*
Female Mage*Hidden*
Male DarkElfNookie
Female Royal*Hidden*
Female Royal*Hidden*
Female Knight*Hidden*
Female Reaper*Hidden*
Female Reaper*Hidden*
Male DarkElf*Hidden*
Male DarkElf*Hidden*
Female Reaper*Hidden*
Female Reaper*Hidden*
Male MageNuMage
Male Mage*Hidden*
Male Mage*Hidden*
Female ElfGoblinho
Male Mage*Hidden*
Male Mage*Hidden*
Male DarkElf*Hidden*
Male DarkElf*Hidden*
Male Knight*Hidden*
Male Knight*Hidden*
Male Elf*Hidden*
Male Elf*Hidden*
Male DarkElfEmberglin
Female DarkElf*Hidden*
Male RoyalRoyalFlush
Male Knight*Hidden*
Male Knight*Hidden*
Female DarkElf*Hidden*
Female DarkElf*Hidden*
Male Royal*Hidden*
Male Royal*Hidden*
Male Royal*Hidden*
Male Royal*Hidden*
Male Mage*Hidden*
Male Mage*Hidden*
Female MageVess
Male Illusionist*Hidden*
Male Illusionist*Hidden*
Male DarkElf*Hidden*
Male DarkElf*Hidden*
Male DarkElf*Hidden*
Male DarkElf*Hidden*
Female Knight*Hidden*
Female Knight*Hidden*
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