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Clan TheOtherGuys
Leader: MaxCox
Level: 2
Experince: 659611
Skill Points: 106
Reputation: 437

Members of Clan TheOtherGuys
1 Ronald 101 Reaper
2 Zigster 72 Knight
3 MaxCox 55 Royal

Skills Learned By TheOtherGuys
Castle Occupancy Boosts abilities of clan members for owning a castle.
Clan Aegis Increases clan members Damage Reduction by 10
Clan Empowerment Increases INT by 1 for all clan members.
Clan Love [2014] Blessings of Love aquired by the clan boosts all members luck slightly and enables the -love command.
Clan Magic Protection Increases Clan Members Magic Resistance by 10
Clan Might Increases Clan Member STR by 1
Clan Soul Guard Increases Soul Resistance of incoming attacks from soul weapons by 10
Clan Soul Guard Lv2 Increases Soul Resistance of incoming attacks from soul weapons by 10
Clan Soul Guard Lv3 Increases Soul Resistance of incoming attacks from soul weapons by 10
SiN-Knight Knights gain a 2% increase to melee damage for each clan member within a screen's radius from them.
SiN-QQ Allows clan members to gang up on Immortal Zajako with all their QQing.
Strength In Numbers Allows the clan to learn Strength in Numbers skills which boost clan members based on other nearby characters.
Windawood's Endurance Increases Dexterity and Inteligence for occupying clan members.