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Support Ticket: "Missing Spells on Reaper Royal"
Game - Bug
Date Posted:3/11/15 8:13pm
I just made a royal into t1 reaper and it's missing lvl 8, 9 and 10 spells in the spell book (ctrl + s) it won't let them be learned.


  • Here's what its supposed to look like


    Posted at 3/11/15 8:14pm
  • DO you have a reaper royal switch item? It looks like you're in royal form which is why you're bugged.

    Posted by GameMaster at 3/12/15 10:51am
  • I just turned into a Reaper from a Royal. I can learn magic levels 1-7. It doesn't show level 3 because Gereng won't let me learn them and those spells don't drop in game. But I have level 6 spells. Just no 8,9,10. When i tried learning high level spells it says "Nothing Happened"

    Posted at 3/12/15 10:56am
  • try restarting your client, i think you're in a tween state. when you login to the char select, it should show your royal as a mage.

    Posted by GameMaster at 3/12/15 10:58am