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Support Ticket: "cursed elixir not working properly"
Game - Bug
Date Posted:12/23/11 2:22am
yes this is chinks and i recently purchased a cursed elixir from the giftshop and after using it i cant use a fluid of the gods after. the stat that i want to use fluid on is already 25 plz help

  • Use -elixirs to check your Fluid and Elixir usage. Use the attached chart to see where you are and where you need to get to use Fluids. If you have used more than one Mid-Grade and your -elixirs shows 11 or higher, this is the reason you cannot use a Fluid. You will have to curse until -elixirs reads 10 or less.


    Posted at 12/23/11 6:03pm
  • ok so i did the -elixir and it says 12fluid-elixirs used. i have used 2 ultras 1 mid so far i think its a bug that counts the ultras as elixirs/fluids? also does weak elixirs count towards the total amount of elixir/fluid usage?

    Posted at 12/24/11 3:38pm
  • i thought it was as long as u curse 1 time u can use 1 fluid? or does mid elixirs mess the who deal up?

    Posted at 12/24/11 3:45pm
  • Weak Elixirs and Ultras do not count to your final -elixir number. You can use an unlimited amount of these. Mid Elixirs DO add to the count, and you must curse ALL the Mids away before you can use another Fluid.

    Posted at 12/25/11 2:10pm