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Support Ticket: "Guy got scammed"
Game - Other
Date Posted:12/25/11 1:01am
A guy named rid3r got scammed recently (12/25/11) by a guy that sold him the crappy dragon slayer instead of the good one.

  • The whole reason it was named Crappy Dragon Slayer is so that people would see that in the trade window and know that it is not the [A] Grade version.

    It is a player's responsibility to make sure they are trading for the correct item before they hit OK.

    I can't escalate this ticket, as it was not sent by the player in question. Tickets must be submitted by the person having the problem, as Zaj might want to keep discussions confidential.

    If he asked you to send in this ticket, please inform him that he has to send one in himself before I can escalate it.


    Posted at 12/25/11 2:25pm
  • I checked in the database and saw that the item was appearing in the game as Dragon Slayer still. I have fixed this and changed its sprite so this confusion will not happen again.

    I have delivered a Dragon Slayer[A] to rid3r. Good luck, Have fun!

    Posted by Zajako at 1/24/12 10:39am