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Support Ticket: "defective christmas gift"
Game - Bug
Date Posted:12/25/11 2:12am
If you log out with christmas gift in your inventory it will be deleted. if you open it and get your 5 gm candy and log out the 5 gm candy are deleted. of my 4 chars only one kept the gift of 5 gm candy since i opened the gift and deposited the candy in storage before logging off. I tried to get zaj's attention to the problem but the poor guy was tired and with his new wife. He left as fast as he came online. kinda like santa I guess lol. I love candy as much as everyone else. I hope it can be fixed before too many people lose their stuff as well. Merry Christmas all the same.

  • Escalating to Zaj. There seem to be many people reporting this problem on global.

    Posted at 12/25/11 2:32pm