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Item Type: Potion | Arrow | Event | Firecracker | Food | Gem | Light | Material | Pet | Quest | Scroll | Spellbook
                      Throwing | Totem | Container | Wand | Other
 Item NameTypeOptions
Spellbook (Brave Avatar)SpellbookView
Lantern OilOtherView
Magic LanternLightView
Pine WandWandView
Ebony WandWandView
Maple WandWandView
Wand of BlinkWandView
Lesser Healing PotionPotionView
Healing PotionPotionView
Greater Healing PotionPotionView
Haste PotionPotionView
Potion of BraveryPotionView
Potion of ManaPotionView
Potion of WisdomPotionView
Cure Poison PotionPotionView
Greater Haste PotionPotionView
Condensed Lesser Healing PotionPotionView
Condensed Healing PotionPotionView
Condensed Greater Healing PotionPotionView
Ancient Lesser Healing PotionPotionView
Ancient Healing PotionPotionView
Ancient Greater Healing PotionPotionView
Blinding PotionPotionView
Banana JuicePotionView
Orange JuicePotionView
Apple JuicePotionView
Ivory Tower Healing PotionPotionView
Ivory Tower Haste PotionPotionView
Devil's BloodPotionView
Bless of EvaPotionView
Elixer (STR)PotionView
Elixer (CON)PotionView
Elixer (DEX)PotionView
Elixer (INT)PotionView
Elixer (WIS)PotionView
Elixer (CHA)PotionView
Scale of MermaidPotionView
Potion of Mental AcuityPotionView
Rabbit LiverPotionView
High Quality DiamondGemView
High Quality RubyGemView
High Quality SapphireGemView
High Quality EmeraldGemView
Highest Quality DiamondGemView
Highest Quality RubyGemView
Highest Quality SapphireGemView
Highest Quality EmeraldGemView
Floating Eye MeatFoodView
Brown Piece of BreadPotionView
Valentines Day chocolateFoodView
Mugwort rice-cakePotionView
Elven WaferPotionView
Fruit of EvolutionOtherView
Burnt Piece of BreadPotionView
Easter BasketFoodView
Scroll of Enchant ArmorScrollView
Scroll of Destroy ArmorScrollView
Ancient ScrollScrollView
Ancients' Alchemy ScrollScrollView
Ancients' Magic ScrollScrollView
Scroll of EscapeScrollView
Scroll of Return - Gludin TownScrollView
Scroll of Escape to GiranScrollView
Scroll of Return - Singing IslandScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - LastabadScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Diad FortressScrollView
Scroll of Return - Talking IslandScrollView
Scroll of Mass TeleportScrollView
Scroll of Enchant WeaponScrollView
Scroll of PolymorphScrollView
Scroll of ResurrectionScrollView
Blank Scroll (Level 1)ScrollView
Blank Scroll (Level 2)ScrollView
Blank Scroll (Level 3)ScrollView
Blank Scroll (Level 4)ScrollView
Blank Scroll (Level 5)ScrollView
Ivory Tower Scroll of ReturnScrollView
Ivory Tower Scroll of PolymorphScrollView
Ivory Tower Scroll of Curse RemovalScrollView
Ivory Tower Scroll of IdentifyScrollView
Ivory Tower Teleport ScrollScrollView
Scroll of TeleportationScrollView
Scroll of Return - Hidden ValleyScrollView
Scroll of Return - Aden CityScrollView
Scroll of Return - Ivory Tower TownScrollView
TOI Teleport - 11FScrollView
TOI Teleport - 21FScrollView
TOI Teleport - 31FScrollView
TOI Teleport - 41FScrollView
TOI Teleport - 51FScrollView
TOI Teleport - 61FScrollView
TOI Teleport - 71FScrollView
TOI Teleport - 81FScrollView
TOI Teleport - 91FScrollView
TOI Teleport - 100FScrollView
Scroll of Return - Elven ForestScrollView
Scroll of Return - Woodbec VillageScrollView
Scroll of Return - Werldern TownScrollView
Scroll of Return - Silver Knight TownScrollView
Scroll of Return - Recluse VillageScrollView
Scroll of Curse RemovalScrollView
Scroll of Return - Resistance VillageScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Diad FortressScrollView
Scroll of Return - Kent VillageScrollView
Scroll of Return - Heine CityScrollView
Scroll of Return - HomeScrollView
Scroll of Return - OrctownScrollView
Scroll of IdentifyScrollView
Scroll of Enchant Armor IllusionScrollView
Scroll of Enchant Weapon IllusionScrollView
Gian's ScrollScrollView
Kalba's ScrollScrollView
Totem of GandiTotemView
Totem of NerugaTotemView
Totem of Duda-MaraTotemView
Totem of RovaTotemView
Totem of AtubaTotemView
Shot FireworkFirecrackerView
Shot Mega Bam FireworkFirecrackerView
High Quality Shot Mega Bam FireworkFirecrackerView
Deep Blue Level 2 FireworkFirecrackerView
Deep Blue SparklerFirecrackerView
Deep Blue FireworkFirecrackerView
Deep Blue Heart FireworkFirecrackerView
Red Level 2 FireworkFirecrackerView
Red SparklerFirecrackerView
Red FireworkFirecrackerView
Red Heart FireworkFirecrackerView
Blue Level 2 Circle FireworkFirecrackerView
Blue Level 2 FireworkFirecrackerView
Blue Snow Flower FireworkFirecrackerView
Blue SparklerFirecrackerView
Blue Circle FireworkFirecrackerView
Blue FireworkFirecrackerView
Blue Heart FireworkFirecrackerView
Christmas FirecrackerFirecrackerView
Yellow Level 2 Circle FireworkFirecrackerView
Yellow Level 2 FireworkFirecrackerView
Yellow Snow Flower FireworkFirecrackerView
Yellow SparklerFirecrackerView
Yellow Circle FireworkFirecrackerView
Yellow FireworkFirecrackerView
Yellow Heart FireworkFirecrackerView
Heart of GolemMaterialView
Golden KeyOtherView
Old Leather PouchTreasure_boxView
Old Silk PouchTreasure_boxView
Heart of DrakeMaterialView
Spellbook(Glowing Aura)SpellbookView
Spellbook(Shining Aura)SpellbookView
Spellbook(Brave Aura)SpellbookView
Spellbook(Teleport to Pledge Member)SpellbookView
Spirit Crystal(ResistMagic)SpellbookView
Spirit Crystal(BodytoMind)SpellbookView
Spirit Crystal(TeleportToMotherTree)SpellbookView
Spirit Crystal(ClearMind)SpellbookView
Spirit Crystal(ResistElemental)SpellbookView
Spirit Crystal(ReturnToNature)SpellbookView
Spirit Crystal(BloodtoSoul)SpellbookView
Spirit Crystal(ProtectionFromElemental)SpellbookView
Spirit Crystal(TripleShot)SpellbookView
Spirit Crystal(ElementalFallDown)SpellbookView
Spirit Crystal(EraseMagic)SpellbookView
Spirit Crystal(SummonLesserElement)SpellbookView
Spirit Crystal(AreaOfSilence)SpellbookView
Spirit Crystal(SummonGreaterElement)SpellbookView
Spirit Crystal(CounterMirror)SpellbookView
Spirit Crystal(EarthSkin)SpellbookView
Spirit Crystal(Entangle)SpellbookView
Spirit Crystal(EarthBind)SpellbookView
Spirit Crystal(BlessOfEarth)SpellbookView
Spirit Crystal(IronSkin)SpellbookView
Spirit Crystal(ExoticVitalize)SpellbookView
Spirit Crystal(WaterLife)SpellbookView
Spirit Crystal(NaturesTouch)SpellbookView
Spirit Crystal(NaturesBlessing)SpellbookView
Spirit Crystal(FireWeapon)SpellbookView
Spirit Crystal(BlessOfFire)SpellbookView
Spirit Crystal(BurningWeapon)SpellbookView
Spirit Crystal(ElementalFire)SpellbookView
Spirit Crystal(WindShot)SpellbookView
Spirit Crystal(WindWalk)SpellbookView
Spirit Crystal(EyeofStorm)SpellbookView
Spirit Crystal(StormShot)SpellbookView
Spirit Crystal(WindShackle)SpellbookView
Dark Spirit Crystal(BlindHiding)SpellbookView
Dark Spirit Crystal(EnchantVenom)SpellbookView
Dark Spirit Crystal(ShadowArmor)SpellbookView
Dark Spirit Crystal(PurifyStone)SpellbookView
Dark Spirit Crystal(DressMighty)SpellbookView
Dark Spirit Crystal(MovingAcceleration)SpellbookView
Dark Spirit Crystal(BurningSpirit)SpellbookView
Dark Spirit Crystal(DarkBlind)SpellbookView
Dark Spirit Crystal(VenomResist)SpellbookView
Dark Spirit Crystal(DressDex)SpellbookView
Dark Spirit Crystal(DoubleBreak)SpellbookView
Dark Spirit Crystal(UncannyDodge)SpellbookView
Dark Spirit Crystal(ShadowFang)SpellbookView
Dark Spirit Crystal(FinalBurn)SpellbookView
Dark Spirit Crystal(DressEvasion)SpellbookView
Sealed TOI Charm - 11FOtherView
Sealed TOI Charm - 21FOtherView
Sealed TOI Charm - 31FOtherView
Sealed TOI Charm - 41FOtherView
Sealed TOI Charm - 51FOtherView
Sealed TOI Charm - 61FOtherView
Sealed TOI Charm - 71FOtherView
Sealed TOI Charm - 81FOtherView
Sealed TOI Charm - 91FOtherView
TOI Charm - 11FOtherView
TOI Charm - 21FOtherView
TOI Charm - 31FOtherView
TOI Charm - 41FOtherView
TOI Charm - 51FOtherView
TOI Charm - 61FOtherView
TOI Charm - 71FOtherView
TOI Charm - 81FOtherView
TOI Charm - 91FOtherView
Boat Ticket to IslandOtherView
Ticket to Gludio EstateOtherView
Forgotten Island Boat TicketOtherView
Heine Boat TicketOtherView
Boat Ticket to Pirate's IslandOtherView
Boat Ticket to Hidden DockOtherView
Relic of MaphrOtherView
Relic of PaagrioOtherView
Relic of EvaOtherView
Relic of SayhaOtherView
Race TicketOtherView
Blood Pledge LetterOtherView
Inn Room KeyOtherView
Pale Silver KeyOtherView
Pet CollarOtherView
Pet WhistleOtherView
Pet CollarOtherView
Magic GemMaterialView
Spirit GemMaterialView
Bring StoneMaterialView
Dark StoneMaterialView
Brave StoneMaterialView
Wise StoneMaterialView
Kaiser StoneMaterialView
Two-Sided Magic DiceOtherView
Three-Sided Magic DiceOtherView
Four-Sided Magic DiceOtherView
Six-Sided Magic DiceOtherView
Native's TotemOtherView
Unlimited QuiverTreasure_boxView
Sword of Kent SoldierOtherView
Bow of Kent ArcherOtherView
Staff of Kent WizardOtherView
Axe of Kent WarriorOtherView
Kent AxeOtherView
Kent Emblem BootsOtherView
Kent Emblem ArmorOtherView
Kent Emblem GlovesOtherView
Kent Emblem ShieldOtherView
Kent Emblem HelmOtherView
Scale of AntharasMaterialView
Crushed Claw of AntharasMaterialView
Eye of AntharasMaterialView
Blood of AntharasMaterialView
Antharas FleshMaterialView
Heart of AntharasMaterialView
Bone of AntharasMaterialView
Tooth of AntharasMaterialView
Scale of ValakasMaterialView
Crushed Claw of ValakasMaterialView
Eye of ValakasMaterialView
Blood of ValakasMaterialView
Valakas FleshMaterialView
Heart of ValakasMaterialView
Bone of ValakasMaterialView
Tooth of ValakasMaterialView
Scale of FafurionMaterialView
Crushed Claw of FafurionMaterialView
Eye of FafurionMaterialView
Blood of FafurionMaterialView
Fafurion FleshMaterialView
Heart of FafurionMaterialView
Bone of FafurionMaterialView
Tooth of FafurionMaterialView
Scale of LindviorMaterialView
Crushed Claw of LindviorMaterialView
Eye of LindviorMaterialView
Blood of LindviorMaterialView
Lindvior FleshMaterialView
Heart of LindviorMaterialView
Bone of LindviorMaterialView
Tooth of LindviorMaterialView
Map:All of AdenOtherView
Map:Talking IslandOtherView
Map:Kent CastleOtherView
Map:Orcish FortressOtherView
Map:Elven ForestOtherView
Map:Silver Knight TownOtherView
Map:Dragon ValleyOtherView
Map:Singing IslandOtherView
Map:Hidden ValleyOtherView
Map:Lair of ValakasOtherView
Map: AdenOtherView
Map: Silent CavernOtherView
Map: Pirate islandOtherView
Christmas TreeOtherView
Red Dragon ScalesMaterialView
White Dragon ScalesMaterialView
Blue Dragon ScalesMaterialView
Green Dragon ScalesMaterialView
Cimaera Skin (Dragon)MaterialView
Cimaera Skin (Goat)MaterialView
Cimaera Skin (Lion)MaterialView
Cimaera Skin (Snake)MaterialView
Cursed Leather (Fire)MaterialView
Cursed Leather (Water)MaterialView
Cursed Leather (Wind)MaterialView
Cursed Leather (Earth)MaterialView
Hard LeatherMaterialView
Bone PieceMaterialView
Iron OreMaterialView
Heart of FirebirdMaterialView
Bark of Black EntMaterialView
Fruit of Black EntTreasure_boxView
Twig of Black EntMaterialView
Heart of Ice QueenMaterialView
Alchemist's StoneTreasure_boxView
Relic PouchTreasure_boxView
Cursed BloodTreasure_boxView
Special Spirit CrystalMaterialView
Tarak's ValuablesMaterialView
Web of MuryanMaterialView
Ancients' Book of Magic, Volume 1MaterialView
Ancients' Book of Magic, Volume 2MaterialView
Ancients' Book of Magic, Volume 3MaterialView
Ancients' Book of Magic, Volume 4MaterialView
Wolf PeltMaterialView
Potion of Dark ForestMaterialView
Ring of Dark ForesterMaterialView
Dark Elven PouchMaterialView
Tear of MoonlightMaterialView
Piece of Large Cave ScrollMaterialView
Large Cave CrystalMaterialView
Leather of MoleMaterialView
Diad Scroll PieceMaterialView
Dillo ClawMaterialView
Tail of DilloMaterialView
Bud of Deep FlowerMaterialView
Root of Deep FlowerMaterialView
Deep Flower TwigMaterialView
Bat FangMaterialView
Platinum PlateMaterialView
Lump of PlatinumMaterialView
Rough Platinum PieceMaterialView
Blob Glastic JuiceMaterialView
Black Lump of Pure MithrilMaterialView
Black Lump of Rough MithralMaterialView
Black Mithril PlateMaterialView
Ring of Black WizardMaterialView
Leather of Black TigerMaterialView
Claw of Black TigerMaterialView
Fang of Black TigerMaterialView
Twig of Black EntMaterialView
Black Tiger HeartMaterialView
Ring of Beast SummonerMaterialView
Whip of Beast SummonerMaterialView
Beast Tamer RingMaterialView
Blue ClothMaterialView
Red ClothMaterialView
White ClothMaterialView
Shining ScaleMaterialView
Scorpion ShellMaterialView
Ash of AstagioMaterialView
Devil's Black ShacklesMaterialView
Devil's Red ShacklesMaterialView
Devil's Blue ShacklesMaterialView
Devil's White ShacklesMaterialView
Elementalist RingMaterialView
Heart of DragonMaterialView
Lump of SilverMaterialView
Rough Silver PieceMaterialView
Silver PlateMaterialView
Piece of SoulMaterialView
Fragment of SpiritMaterialView
Cerberus FurMaterialView
Tarak's SickleMaterialView
Corruption's PoisonMaterialView
Tarak's HeadMaterialView
Corruption's HandMaterialView
Tarak's Devil Book, Volume 1MaterialView
Tarak's Devil Book, Volume 2MaterialView
Tarak's Devil Book, Volume 3MaterialView
Tarak's Devil Book, Volume 4MaterialView
Corruption's ToothMaterialView
Corruption's TongueMaterialView
Rind of Plate WormMaterialView
Venom of Plate WormMaterialView
Fang of Plate WormMaterialView
Volcanic AshMaterialView
Gold PlateMaterialView
Lump of GoldMaterialView
Rough Gold PieceMaterialView
Black Spirit StoneMaterialView
Griffon FeatherMaterialView
Green CrystalMaterialView
Magic FluteMaterialView
Mithril OreMaterialView
Mithril ThreadMaterialView
Rough MithrilMaterialView
Mithril PlateMaterialView
Wind TearMaterialView
Fungus JuiceMaterialView
Purple CrystalMaterialView
Red CrystalMaterialView
Web of ArachneMaterialView
Ecdysis of ArachneMaterialView
Bark of EntMaterialView
Fruit of EntMaterialView
Twig of EntMaterialView
Oriharukon PlateMaterialView
Bark of Contaminated EntMaterialView
Fruit of Contaminated EntMaterialView
Root of Contaminated EntMaterialView
Blood of OgreMaterialView
Tear of SpiritMaterialView
Elemental StoneMaterialView
Large Green CrystalMaterialView
Large Red CrystalMaterialView
Large Blue CrystalMaterialView
Pan's ManeMaterialView
Ala of FairyMaterialView
Blue CrystalMaterialView
White CrystalMaterialView
Black Blood StoneMaterialView
Tear of Gran KainMaterialView
Thin PlateMaterialView
Guardian's BagTreasure_boxView
Letter of GratitudeQuestitemView
Key of Ancient PrinceQuestitemView
Key of Ancient KnightQuestitemView
Key of Ancient WizardQuestitemView
Body of Ancient KeyQuestitemView
Head of Ancient KeyQuestitemView
Key of Ancient ElfQuestitemView
Record of the Ancient DevilQuestitemView
Ancient InheritanceQuestitemView
Ghoul NailQuestitemView
Ghoul ToothQuestitemView
Old Trading DocumentQuestitemView
L1.5 REAL T-Shirt VoucherQuestitemView
Doppelganger RegurgitationQuestitemView
Key to Ramia's RoomQuestitemView
Ramia's ScaleQuestitemView
Ronde's PouchTreasure_boxView
Marshall's RewardTreasure_boxView
Relic of the PeopleQuestitemView
Apparition's BagTreasure_boxView
Sword of VarlokQuestitemView
Eye of VarlokQuestitemView
Claw of VarlokQuestitemView
Heart of VarlokQuestitemView
Bludika's PouchTreasure_boxView
Secret ListQuestitemView
Secret Room KeyQuestitemView
Hit List BagTreasure_boxView
Hit List (Gludin)QuestitemView
Hit List (Giran)QuestitemView
Hit List (Aden City)QuestitemView
Hit List (Woodbec)QuestitemView
Hit List (Kent)QuestitemView
Hit List (Heine)QuestitemView
Hit List (Fire-Field Farmers Town)QuestitemView
Secret of LifeQuestitemView
Search DocumentQuestitemView
Mysterious ShellQuestitemView
Mystery Crystal BallQuestitemView
Mysterious BagTreasure_boxView
Mystery StaffQuestitemView
Aria's RewardTreasure_boxView
Assassin Master's BoxTreasure_boxView
Assassin's TokenQuestitemView
Letter of SoulQuestitemView
Letter of SoulQuestitemView
Letter of SoulQuestitemView
Crystal Piece of SoulTreasure_boxView
Crystal Piece of SoulTreasure_boxView
Crystal Piece of SoulTreasure_boxView
Bone of UndeadQuestitemView
Bone Piece of UndeadQuestitemView
Undead KeyQuestitemView
Bag of EndiaTreasure_boxView
Letter of EndiaQuestitemView
Head of YetiQuestitemView
Head of Orc ElderQuestitemView
Emblem Piece of the Royal FamilyQuestitemView
Emblem Piece of the Royal FamilyQuestitemView
Elven TreasureTreasure_boxView
Key of FateQuestitemView
Arachnevil Elder's ClawQuestitemView
Cursed SpellbookQuestitemView
Cursed Elven SpellbookQuestitemView
Piece of Scout's ReportQuestitemView
Zombie KeyQuestitemView
Overseer's DocumentQuestitemView
Death CovenantQuestitemView
Torn Scout's ReportQuestitemView
Kan's PouchTreasure_boxView
Magic Bag of TalassTreasure_boxView
Key of DepravityQuestitemView
Turtle Dragon ShellQuestitemView
Blue Flute QuestitemView
Fungus JuiceQuestitemView
Skeleton KeyQuestitemView
Skeleton SkullQuestitemView
Key of ChaosQuestitemView
Potion of RevivalQuestitemView
Black Knight's Pledge DocumentQuestitemView
Gandi SpellbookQuestitemView
Neruga SpellbookQuestitemView
Duda-Mara SpellbookQuestitemView
Atuba SpellbookQuestitemView
Black KeyQuestitemView
Mineral Removal DocumentQuestitemView
Key to 2nd Floor of Temple of ShadowsQuestitemView
Key to 3rd Floor of Temple of ShadowsQuestitemView
Crystal Ball of NecromancerQuestitemView
Breath of EarthQuestitemView
East Jail KeyQuestitemView
Second Labyrinth KeyQuestitemView
Key of DrakeQuestitemView
Drake's ClawQuestitemView
1st Generation Heirloom of the Druga ClanTreasure_boxView
2nd Generation Heirloom of the Druga ClanTreasure_boxView
3rd Generation Heirloom of the Druga ClanTreasure_boxView
4th Generation Heirloom of the Druga ClanTreasure_boxView
5th Generation Heirloom of the Druga ClanTreasure_boxView
6th Generation Heirloom of the Druga ClanTreasure_boxView
7th Generation Heirloom of the Druga ClanTreasure_boxView
Diego's Old DiaryQuestitemView
Money Pouch of ReonaQuestitemView
Money Pouch of ReonaTreasure_boxView
Report of LizardmanQuestitemView
Treasure of LizardmanQuestitemView
Evidence of Dark Spirit ArmyQuestitemView
Evidence of the Dark Spirit ArmyTreasure_boxView
Letter of MarbaQuestitemView
Evidence of Dark Power ArmyQuestitemView
Evidence Box of Dark Power ArmyTreasure_boxView
Evidence Box of Arcane ArmyTreasure_boxView
Talking ScrollQuestitemView
Evidence of Arcane ArmyQuestitemView
Breath of WaterQuestitemView
Labyrinth MapQuestitemView
Breath of WindQuestitemView
Basilisk's HornQuestitemView
Piece of Treasure MapQuestitemView
Assassin's Rusted SwordQuestitemView
North-East Jail KeyQuestitemView
North Jail KeyQuestitemView
Breath of FireQuestitemView
Burning LeatherQuestitemView
Red KeyQuestitemView
Third Labyrinth KeyQuestitemView
Crystal FangQuestitemView
Sword of Ordeal AQuestitemView
Sword of Ordeal BQuestitemView
Sword of Ordeal CQuestitemView
Sword of Ordeal DQuestitemView
Spellbook of OrdealQuestitemView
Remains of SonQuestitemView
Portrait of SonQuestitemView
Letter of SonQuestitemView
Amulet of ArasQuestitemView
Letter of ArasQuestitemView
Unknown HeirloomQuestitemView
Evidence of Assassin ArmyQuestitemView
Evidence Box of Assassin ArmyTreasure_boxView
Rib of YaheeQuestitemView
Tail of YaheeQuestitemView
Wing of YaheeQuestitemView
Backbone of YaheeQuestitemView
Head of YaheeQuestitemView
Claw of YaheeQuestitemView
Mineral of DarknessQuestitemView
Breath of DarknessQuestitemView
Ingot of DarknessQuestitemView
Fragment of Soul StoneQuestitemView
Contaminated ArmorQuestitemView
Contaminated CloakQuestitemView
Contaminated BootsQuestitemView
Contaminated GlovesQuestitemView
Contaminated HelmQuestitemView
Contaminated BowQuestitemView
Oum Fine StatueQuestitemView
Oum Completed StatueQuestitemView
Pouch of OumTreasure_boxView
Oum Painted StatueQuestitemView
Oum Rough StatueQuestitemView
Oum Refined StatueQuestitemView
Oum StatueQuestitemView
Completed Treasure MapQuestitemView
Armor of Expedition MemberQuestitemView
Cloak of Expedition MemberQuestitemView
Boots of Expedition MemberQuestitemView
Gloves of Expedition MemberQuestitemView
Relic of Expedition MemberQuestitemView
Helm of Expedition MemberQuestitemView
Bow of Expedition MemberQuestitemView
Silver FluteQuestitemView
Small Treasure MapQuestitemView
Small PouchTreasure_boxView
Book of Mental ControlQuestitemView
Tailbone of DeathQuestitemView
Axe of DeathQuestitemView
Hammer of DeathQuestitemView
Head of DeathQuestitemView
Spear of DeathQuestitemView
Knife of DeathQuestitemView
Friend's BagQuestitemView
Amulet of CadmusQuestitemView
High Quality Pouch of KarifQuestitemView
Karif PouchQuestitemView
Skin of Blue LizardQuestitemView
Gift Bag from PierceTreasure_boxView
Grandfather's TreasureQuestitemView
Crumpled Up Breaking-Up LetterQuestitemView
Fragment of Blood StoneQuestitemView
Black-Light WingQuestitemView
Giant Pumpkin SeedQuestitemView
Huge Pumpkin SeedEventView
Golden PumpkinTreasure_boxView
Silver PumpkinTreasure_boxView
Bronze PumpkinTreasure_boxView
Pumpkin CandyEventView
Pumpkin SeedEventView
Green StockingEventView
Red SockEventView
Golden SocksEventView
Christmas CardEventView
Valentines Day CardEventView
White Day CardEventView
Coin of BraveryPotionView
Coin of TrustPotionView
Coin of ReputationPotionView
Coin of WisdomPotionView
Treasure CaseEventView
Silver Throwing KnifeStingView
Throwing KnifeStingView
Heavy Throwing KnifeStingView
Oriharukon-Plated Bone ArrowArrowView
Ancient ArrowArrowView
Silver ArrowArrowView
Golden ArrowArrowView
Mithril ArrowArrowView
Black Mithril ArrowArrowView
Oriharukon ArrowArrowView
Fang of Hunting DogPetitemView
Fang of DestructionPetitemView
Fang of Fighting DogPetitemView
Fang of GoldPetitemView
Unknown Fang 1PetitemView
Unknown Fang 2PetitemView
Unknown Fang 3PetitemView
Fang of DemonPetitemView
Fang of SteelPetitemView
Fang of VictoryPetitemView
Unknown Pet Armor 1PetitemView
Unknown Pet Armor 2PetitemView
Leather Pet ArmorPetitemView
Skeleton Pet ArmorPetitemView
Steel Pet ArmorPetitemView
Mithral Pet ArmorPetitemView
Cloth Pet ArmorPetitemView
Chain Pet ArmorPetitemView
Lump of SteelMaterialView
Head of DeathQuestitemView
Head of DeathQuestitemView
Key to 3rd Floor of Temple of ShadowsQuestitemView
Key to 3rd Floor of Temple of ShadowsQuestitemView
Scroll of Teleportation - Giant BridgeScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Aden CastleScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Mirror ForestScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - ValakasScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - FafurionScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - LindviorScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Heine Dungeon 3FScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Heine Dungeon 4FScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Fire Valley BridgeScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Dragon ValleyScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - OasisScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Oren WastelandScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - WastelandScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Small WastelandScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Woodbec CastleScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - BelethScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Ant Cave 1FScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Ant Cave 2FScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Ant Cave 3FScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Ivory Tower 5FScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Ivory Tower 6FScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Ivory Tower 7FScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Ivory Tower 8FScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - SKT Caves 2FScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - SKT Caves 3FScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - SKT Caves 4FScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Giran Dungeon 2FScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Giran Dungeon 3FScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Giran Dungeon 4FScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - MLC 3FScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - MLC 4FScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - MLC 5FScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - MLC 6FScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - MLC 7FScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - DVC 1FScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - DVC 2FScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - DVC 3FScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - DVC 4FScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - DVC 5FScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - DVC 6FScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - AntharasScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Windawood CastleScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - DesertScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Elder RoomScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Silent CavernScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Diad 1FScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Diad 2FScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Diad 3FScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Trails 1FScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Trails 2FScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Trails 4FScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Lastabad 1FScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Resistance VillageScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - SoE 1FScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Abyss LakeScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Pirate IslandScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Diad FortressScrollView
Spell Scroll (Lesser Heal)ScrollView
Spell Scroll (Light)ScrollView
Spell Scroll (Shield)ScrollView
Spell Scroll (Energy Bolt)ScrollView
Spell Scroll (Teleport)ScrollView
Spell Scroll (Ice Dagger)ScrollView
Spell Scroll (Wind Shuriken)ScrollView
Spell Scroll (Holy Weapon)ScrollView
Spell Scroll (Cure Poison)ScrollView
Spell Scroll (Chill Touch)ScrollView
Spell Scroll (Curse: Poison)ScrollView
Spell Scroll (Enchant Weapon)ScrollView
Spell Scroll (Detection)ScrollView
Spell Scroll (Decrease Weight)ScrollView
Spell Scroll (Fire Arrow)ScrollView
Spell Scroll (Stalac)ScrollView
Spell Scroll (Lightning)ScrollView
Spell Scroll (Turn Undead)ScrollView
Spell Scroll (Heal)ScrollView
Spell Scroll (Curse: Blind)ScrollView
Spell Scroll (Blessed Armor)ScrollView
Spell Scroll (Frozen Cloud)ScrollView
Spell Scroll (Reveal Weakness)ScrollView
Spell Scroll (Fireball)ScrollView
Spell Scroll (Enchant Dexterity)ScrollView
Spell Scroll (Weapon Break)ScrollView
Spell Scroll (Vampiric Touch)ScrollView
Spell Scroll (Slow)ScrollView
Spell Scroll (Earth Jail)ScrollView
Spell Scroll (Counter Magic)ScrollView
Spell Scroll (Meditation)ScrollView
Spell Scroll (Curse: Paralyze)ScrollView
Spell Scroll (Call Lightning)ScrollView
Spell Scroll (Greater Heal)ScrollView
Spell Scroll (Tame Monster)ScrollView
Spell Scroll (Remove Curse)ScrollView
Spell Scroll (Cone of Cold)ScrollView
Spell Scroll (Mana Drain)ScrollView
Spell Scroll (Darkness)ScrollView
Lump of Rough IronMaterialView
Wedding Ring (Silver)OtherView
Wedding Ring (Gold)OtherView
Wedding Ring (Sapphire)OtherView
Wedding Ring (Emerald)OtherView
Wedding Ring (Ruby)OtherView
Wedding Ring (Diamond)OtherView
Ring of SemaOtherView
Ring of OrimOtherView
Pass of EarthMaterialView
Pass of WaterMaterialView
Pass of FireMaterialView
Pass of AirMaterialView
Seal of EarthMaterialView
Seal of WaterMaterialView
Seal of FireMaterialView
Seal of AirMaterialView
Earth CommanderMaterialView
Water CommanderMaterialView
Fire CommanderMaterialView
Air CommanderMaterialView
Elemental CommanderMaterialView
Potion of EncouragementPotionView
Potion of TalentPotionView
Potion of FloraPotionView
Potion of PurificationPotionView
Potion of Mysterious Magic Level 1PotionView
Potion of Mysterious Magic Level 2PotionView
Potion of Mysterious Magic Level 3PotionView
Potion of Mysterious Magic Level 4PotionView
Processed Sapphire 1GemView
Processed Sapphire 2GemView
Processed Sapphire 3GemView
Processed Sapphire 4GemView
Processed Emerald 1GemView
Processed Emerald 2GemView
Processed Emerald 3GemView
Processed Emerald 4GemView
Processed Ruby 1GemView
Processed Ruby 2GemView
Processed Ruby 3GemView
Processed Ruby 4GemView
Processed Diamond 1 (Earth Spirit)GemView
Processed Diamond 2 (Earth Spirit)GemView
Processed Diamond 3 (Earth Spirit)GemView
Processed Diamond 4 (Earth Spirit)GemView
Processed Diamond 1 (Water Spirit)GemView
Processed Diamond 2 (Water Spirit)GemView
Processed Diamond 3 (Water Spirit)GemView
Processed Diamond 4 (Water Spirit)GemView
Processed Diamond 1 (Fire Spirit)GemView
Processed Diamond 2 (Fire Spirit)GemView
Processed Diamond 3 (Fire Spirit)GemView
Processed Diamond 4 (Fire Spirit)GemView
Processed Diamond 1 (Wind Spirit)GemView
Processed Diamond 2 (Wind Spirit)GemView
Processed Diamond 3 (Wind Spirit)GemView
Processed Diamond 4 (Wind Spirit)GemView
Seal of Arcane KingMaterialView
Seal of Dread QueenMaterialView
Seal of Dread KingMaterialView
Seal of Assassin KingMaterialView
Black Magic PowderMaterialView
Lastabad's Secret Weapon Production MethodMaterialView
Fidelity's Secret Armor Production MethodMaterialView
Holy RelicMaterialView
Attendant's ScriptureMaterialView
Crystal of Dark Elf SoulMaterialView
Tail of AngusMaterialView
Tooth of AngusMaterialView
Resiliant Muscles of PasajMaterialView
Wings of PasajMaterialView
Blood of DegoMaterialView
Fin of DigoMaterialView
Bloodied SandMaterialView
Tail of Sheba Human: EarthMaterialView
Tail of Sheba Human: WaterMaterialView
Tail of Sheba Human: FireMaterialView
Tail of Sheba Human: AirMaterialView
Leather of Sheba Human: EarthMaterialView
Leather of Sheba Human: WaterMaterialView
Leather of Sheba Human: FireMaterialView
Leather of Sheba Human: AirMaterialView
Fang of Sheba HumanMaterialView
Black Wizard EarringsMaterialView
Black Wizard EarringsMaterialView
Black Wizard EarringsMaterialView
Wings of VarlokMaterialView
Two-Handed Sword of VarlokMaterialView
Head of VarlokMaterialView
Horns of VarlokMaterialView
Cut of Varlok MeatMaterialView
Claws of VarlokMaterialView
Heart of VarlokMaterialView
Fangs of VarlokMaterialView
Lungs of VarlokMaterialView
Dark Elven Soldier BadgeQuestitemView
Dark Elven General BadgeQuestitemView
Mineral PouchQuestitemView
Roy's PouchTreasure_boxView
Rabla's PouchQuestitemView
Contract of Resurrection and Eternal LifeQuestitemView
Rabor's PouchQuestitemView
Directive of Eris 1QuestitemView
Bag of ErisTreasure_boxView
Directive of Eris 2QuestitemView
Document Letter of ErisQuestitemView
Sealed History Chapter 1QuestitemView
Sealed History Chapter 2QuestitemView
Sealed History Chapter 3QuestitemView
Sealed History Chapter 4QuestitemView
Sealed History Chapter 5QuestitemView
Sealed History Chapter 6QuestitemView
Sealed History Chapter 7QuestitemView
Sealed History Chapter 8QuestitemView
History of Lastabad Chapter 1QuestitemView
History of Lastabad Chapter 2QuestitemView
History of Lastabad Chapter 3QuestitemView
History of Lastabad Chapter 4QuestitemView
History of Lastabad Chapter 5QuestitemView
History of Lastabad Chapter 6QuestitemView
History of Lastabad Chapter 7QuestitemView
History of Lastabad Chapter 8QuestitemView
Completed Writing of Death KnightQuestitemView
Writing of Death KnightQuestitemView
Summoning Device NucleusQuestitemView
Summoning Device FragmentQuestitemView
Summoning Globe Level 1QuestitemView
Summoning Globe Level 2QuestitemView
Summoning Globe Level 3QuestitemView
Summoning Globe Level 4QuestitemView
Dantes' Summon GlobeQuestitemView
Incomplete LogbookQuestitemView
Logbook Page 1QuestitemView
Logbook Page 2QuestitemView
Logbook Page 3QuestitemView
Logbook Page 4QuestitemView
Logbook Page 5QuestitemView
Logbook Page 6QuestitemView
Logbook Page 7QuestitemView
Logbook Page 8QuestitemView
Logbook Page 9QuestitemView
Logbook Page 10QuestitemView
Glued Logbook Page 1QuestitemView
Glued Logbook Page 2QuestitemView
Glued Logbook Page 3QuestitemView
Glued Logbook Page 4QuestitemView
Glued Logbook Page 5QuestitemView
Glued Logbook Page 6QuestitemView
Glued Logbook Page 7QuestitemView
Glued Logbook Page 8QuestitemView
Glued Logbook Page 9QuestitemView
Glued Logbook Page 10QuestitemView
Complete LogbookQuestitemView
Pouch of VoyagerTreasure_boxView
Letter of NonameQuestitemView
Letter of Researchers: Elf ZoneQuestitemView
Letter of Researchers: Human ZoneQuestitemView
Letter of Researchers: Spirit ZoneQuestitemView
Letter of Researchers: Orc ZoneQuestitemView
Letter of Researchers: Researcher HeadQuestitemView
Contaminated RootQuestitemView
Contaminated TwigQuestitemView
Contaminated EcdysisQuestitemView
Contaminated ManeQuestitemView
Contaminated Elven WingQuestitemView
Silver TrayQuestitemView
Silver CandleQuestitemView
Key of BanditQuestitemView
Bandit PouchTreasure_boxView
Polluted HairQuestitemView
Polluted EarthQuestitemView
Polluted WaterQuestitemView
Polluted FireQuestitemView
Polluted AirQuestitemView
Polluted SpiritQuestitemView
Orc FangQuestitemView
Orc Fang AmuletQuestitemView
Enchanted PowderQuestitemView
Pure PowderQuestitemView
Pearl of ProphetQuestitemView
Totem of NerugaTotemView
Totem of Duda-MaraTotemView
Totem of AtubaTotemView
Dreaming Teddy BearQuestitemView
Perfume of TemptationQuestitemView
Lovely DressQuestitemView
Gorgeous RingQuestitemView
Heart of EmaiQuestitemView
Biography of HeroQuestitemView
Fashonable HatQuestitemView
Finest WineQuestitemView
Unknown KeyQuestitemView
Heart of EsemQuestitemView
Stone LumpQuestitemView
Volcanic RockQuestitemView
Tail Hair of MainoQuestitemView
Armor PieceQuestitemView
Rough DiamondQuestitemView
Tail Hair of Maino ShamanQuestitemView
Keepsake SackQuestitemView
Worn Keepsake SackQuestitemView
Old Keepsake SackQuestitemView
Worn Out RingQuestitemView
Bloody HankerchiefQuestitemView
Bloody DocumentQuestitemView
Worn Out NecklaceQuestitemView
Old WalletQuestitemView
Bloddy DaggerQuestitemView
Lost KeyQuestitemView
Staff of MayaQuestitemView
Contract of KahelQuestitemView
Order of KahelQuestitemView
Corrupted Powder of KahelQuestitemView
Helpless Powder of KahelQuestitemView
Egoistic Powder of KahelQuestitemView
Corrupted Essence of BloodstainQuestitemView
Helpless Essence of BloodstainQuestitemView
Egoistic Essence of BloodstainQuestitemView
Essence of BloodstainQuestitemView
Contract of BloodstainQuestitemView
Order of BloodstainQuestitemView
Corrupted Powder of BloodstainQuestitemView
Helpless Powder of BloodstainQuestitemView
Egoistic Powder of BloodstainQuestitemView
Corrupted Essence of KahelQuestitemView
Helpless Essence of KahelQuestitemView
Egoistic Essence of KahelQuestitemView
Essence of KahelQuestitemView
Indecent Ancient NecklaceQuestitemView
Restored Ancient NecklaceQuestitemView
Mysterious Healing PotionPotionView
Mysterious Mana PotionPotionView
Skeletal Pirate Head Transformation PotionPotionView
Skeletal Pirate Soldier Transformation PotionPotionView
Skeletal Pirate Knife Transformation PotionPotionView
Unknown 41146QuestitemView
Spirit Crystal(Soul of Flame)SpellbookView
Spirit Crystal(Additional Fire)SpellbookView
Spirit Crystal(Aqua Protect)SpellbookView
Spirit Crystal(Pollute Water)SpellbookView
Spirit Crystal(Strikers Gale)SpellbookView
Scale of DarknessMaterialView
Scale of FlamesMaterialView
Scale of ImmortalityMaterialView
Scale of HatredMaterialView
Crystal Orb of MayaQuestitemView
Sacred Wing FeatherQuestitemView
Calling FluteOtherView
Purified Black Wizard AmuletOtherView
Purified Black Wizard AmuletOtherView
Purified Black Wizard AmuletOtherView
Unprocessed Black Wizard Earrings 1OtherView
Unprocessed Black Wizard Earrings 1OtherView
Unprocessed Black Wizard Earrings 1OtherView
Transformed Black Fighter Earrings 1OtherView
Unprocessed Black Fighter Earrings 2OtherView
Transformed Black Fighter Earrings 2OtherView
Unprocessed Black Fighter Earrings 3OtherView
Transformed Black Fighter Earrings 3OtherView
Unprocessed Black Fighter Earrings 4OtherView
Transformed Black Knight Earrings 1OtherView
Unprocessed Black Knight Earrings 2OtherView
Transformed Black Knight Earrings 2OtherView
Unprocessed Black Knight Earrings 3OtherView
Transformed Black Knight Earrings 3OtherView
Unprocessed Black Knight Earrings 4OtherView
Transformed Black Wizard Earrings 1OtherView
Unprocessed Black Wizard Earrings 2OtherView
Transformed Black Wizard Earrings 2OtherView
Unprocessed Black Wizard Earrings 3OtherView
Transformed Black Wizard Earrings 3OtherView
Unprocessed Black Wizard Earrings 4OtherView
Uncrafted Ring of Hero 2 (Wind Spirit)OtherView
Uncrafted Ring of Hero 4 (Wind Spirit)OtherView
Uncrafted Ring of Hero 3 (Wind Spirit)OtherView
Uncrafted Ring of Hero 1 (Wind Spirit)OtherView
Uncrafted Ring of Hero 2 (Earth Spirit)OtherView
Uncrafted Ring of Hero 4 (Earth Spirit)OtherView
Uncrafted Ring of Hero 3 (Earth Spirit)OtherView
Uncrafted Ring of Hero 1 (Earth Spirit)OtherView
Uncrafted Ring of Hero 2 (Fire Spirit)OtherView
Uncrafted Ring of Hero 4 (Fire Spirit)OtherView
Uncrafted Ring of Hero 3 (Fire Spirit)OtherView
Uncrafted Ring of Hero 1 (Fire Spirit)OtherView
Uncrafted Ring of Hero 2 (Water Spirit)OtherView
Uncrafted Ring of Hero 4 (Water Spirit)OtherView
Uncrafted Ring of Hero 3 (Water Spirit)OtherView
Uncrafted Ring of Hero 1 (Water Spirit)OtherView
Soul of KnightOtherView
Soul of ElfOtherView
Soul of LordOtherView
Soul of Dark ElfOtherView
Soul of MonkOtherView
Dull WeaponOtherView
Ash of SailorMaterialView
Withering SoulMaterialView
Unknown 41209QuestitemView
Unknown 41210QuestitemView
Unknown 41212QuestitemView
Unknown 41213QuestitemView
Unknown 41214QuestitemView
Unknown 41215QuestitemView
Unknown 41216QuestitemView
Unknown 41217Treasure_boxView
Unknown 41218Treasure_boxView
Unknown 41219Treasure_boxView
Unknown 41220Treasure_boxView
Dark Elven PouchTreasure_boxView
Unknown 41222QuestitemView
Unknown 41223QuestitemView
Unknown 41224QuestitemView
Unknown 41225QuestitemView
Unknown 41226QuestitemView
Unknown 41227QuestitemView
Unknown 41228QuestitemView
Skeleton SkullQuestitemView
Unknown 41230QuestitemView
Unknown 41231QuestitemView
Unknown 41232Treasure_boxView
Unknown 41233QuestitemView
Unknown 41234QuestitemView
Unknown 41235QuestitemView
Unknown 41236QuestitemView
Bone PieceQuestitemView
Unknown 41238Treasure_boxView
Unknown 41239QuestitemView
Unknown 41240QuestitemView
Unknown 41241Treasure_boxView
Orc Treasure BagTreasure_boxView
Lastabad Supplies BagTreasure_boxView
Lastabad Supplies BoxTreasure_boxView
Magic Bag of ArkaTreasure_boxView
Magic Doll: BugbearOtherView
Magic Doll: SuccubusOtherView
Magic Doll: WerewolfOtherView
Skeleton GrailOtherView
Rare TurtleFoodView
Spices of the Castle ChefOtherView
Seal of VictoryOtherView
Cook Book : 1st StageOtherView
Cook Book : 2nd StageOtherView
Cook Book : 3rd StageOtherView
Cook Book : 4th StageOtherView
Cook Book : 5th StageOtherView
Rice BallPotionView
Grilled Chicken SkewerPotionView
Sunflower SeedFoodView
Pizza PiecesPotionView
Grilled CornPotionView
Fish CakePotionView
Ant LegFoodView
Bear MeatFoodView
Boar MeatFoodView
Monster Eye SteakFoodView
Roasted Bear MeatFoodView
Seed Stuffed PancakeFoodView
Roasted Ant Legs with CheeseFoodView
Fruit SaladFoodView
Sweet and Sour FruitFoodView
Roasted Boar on SkewersFoodView
Mushroom SoupFoodView
Monster Eye Steak of FantasyFoodView
Roasted Bear Meat of FantasyFoodView
Seed Stuffed Pancake of FantasyFoodView
Roasted Ant Legs with Cheese of FantasyFoodView
Fruit Salad of FantasyFoodView
Sweet and Sour Fruit of FantasyFoodView
Roasted Boar on Skewers of FantasyFoodView
Mushroom Soup of FantasyFoodView
Long and Heavy Fishing PoleFishing_rodView
Feather RodFishing_rodView
Crucian CarpFishView
Young FishFishView
Fast FishFishView
Strong FishFishView
Fish with Red AuraFishView
Fish with Green AuraFishView
Fish with Blue AuraFishView
Fish with White AuraFishView
Broken EarringsOtherView
Broken RingOtherView
Broken NecklaceOtherView
Pumpkin Pouch of a Brave ManTreasure_boxView
Pet Match Yellow Gold MedalOtherView
Fruit of the VictorOtherView
Surprise BoxEventView
Jar of AstrologerTreasure_boxView
Marble of AstrologerOtherView
Talisman of AstrologerOtherView
Sacred WaterQuestitemView
Sacred Mineral PowderQuestitemView
Larson's Recommendation LetterQuestitemView
Kuen's NoteQuestitemView
Chrysanthemum BouquetQuestitemView
Daisy BouquetQuestitemView
Rose BouquetQuestitemView
Calla Lily BouquetQuestitemView
Sunflower BouquetQuestitemView
Freesia BouquetQuestitemView
Certificate of ValorQuestitemView
Certificate of ValorQuestitemView
Breath of GhostQuestitemView
Breath of HamelQuestitemView
Taxidermy OrderQuestitemView
Certificate for Ant HuntingQuestitemView
Certificate for Bear HuntingQuestitemView
Certificate for Lamia HuntingQuestitemView
Certificate for Black Tiger HuntingQuestitemView
Certificate for Deer HuntingQuestitemView
Certificate for Harpy HuntingQuestitemView
Pouch of EvrolEventView
Blessed Barley BreadPotionView
Blessed WinePotionView
Note of the DeceasedQuestitemView
Introduction of Head of Mercenery Squad TionQuestitemView
Manual of ZeronQuestitemView
Blood of MedusaQuestitemView
Bloodstain of FafurionQuestitemView
Essence of WaterQuestitemView
Acid SapQuestitemView
Memo Pad of Robin HoodQuestitemView
Memo Pad of Robin HoodQuestitemView
Introduction from Robin HoodQuestitemView
Ring of SaellQuestitemView
Ring of Robin HoodQuestitemView
Spirit of MoonlightQuestitemView
Blessed Unicorn HornMaterialView
Dagger of EvaQuestitemView
Blessed Dagger of EvaQuestitemView
Parum's Crop PouchTreasure_boxView
Parum's Volunteer ListOtherView
A Alphabet FirecrackerFirecrackerView
B Alphabet FirecrackerFirecrackerView
C Alphabet FirecrackerFirecrackerView
D Alphabet FirecrackerFirecrackerView
E Alphabet FirecrackerFirecrackerView
F Alphabet FirecrackerFirecrackerView
G Alphabet FirecrackerFirecrackerView
H Alphabet FirecrackerFirecrackerView
I Alphabet FirecrackerFirecrackerView
J Alphabet FirecrackerFirecrackerView
K Alphabet FirecrackerFirecrackerView
L Alphabet FirecrackerFirecrackerView
M Alphabet FirecrackerFirecrackerView
N Alphabet FirecrackerFirecrackerView
O Alphabet FirecrackerFirecrackerView
P Alphabet FirecrackerFirecrackerView
Q Alphabet FirecrackerFirecrackerView
R Alphabet FirecrackerFirecrackerView
S Alphabet FirecrackerFirecrackerView
T Alphabet FirecrackerFirecrackerView
U Alphabet FirecrackerFirecrackerView
V Alphabet FirecrackerFirecrackerView
W Alphabet FirecrackerFirecrackerView
X Alphabet FirecrackerFirecrackerView
Y Alphabet FirecrackerFirecrackerView
Z Alphabet FirecrackerFirecrackerView
Stuffed Giant Soldier AntOtherView
Stuffed BearOtherView
Stuffed LamiaOtherView
Stuffed Black TigerOtherView
Stuffed DeerOtherView
Stuffed HarpyOtherView
Bronze KnightOtherView
Bronze HorseOtherView
Tea TableOtherView
Platform for the LordOtherView
Tea Table ChairOtherView
Tea Table ChairOtherView
Wand of Remove FurnitureWandView
Hero's MarkOtherView
Kuzak's FoodPotionView
Kuzak's Wonder DrugPotionView
Money Pouch of ReonaTreasure_boxView
Money Pouch of ReonaTreasure_boxView
Money Pouch of ReonaTreasure_boxView
Money Pouch of ReonaTreasure_boxView
Money Pouch of ReonaTreasure_boxView
Silver Zongzi (Blessed)PotionView
Gold Zongzi (Blessed)PotionView
Round Rice-Cake (Blessed)PotionView
Bok Rice-Cake (Blessed)PotionView
Potion of Reinforced Case (Blessed)PotionView
Pet Match Gift ChestTreasure_boxView
Kangaroo FeedFoodView
Panda FeedFoodView
Scroll of Return - Silent CavernScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - GMScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Crystal Cave 1FScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Crystal Cave 2FScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Crystal Cave 3FScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Ivory Tower 1FScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Kent Dungeon 1FScrollView
Forgotten ScrollScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Kent Dungeon 2FScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Kent Dungeon 3FScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Kent Dungeon 4FScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - 1F Meeting AreaScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - 1F Squad TrainingScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - 1F Power KingScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - 1F Dark WarrensScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - 1F Dark WarrensScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Dream IslandScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - 1F SummoningScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - 1F Dark BarrierScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - 2F Magic TrainingScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Giant's GraveScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Aden CastleScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - GM RoomScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Lawful TempleScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Chaotic TempleScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Aden TowerScrollView
Scroll of Escape - Silver Knight TownScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - MLC7ScrollView
TOI Teleport - 100F (Blessed)ScrollView
TOI Teleport - 90F (Blessed)ScrollView
TOI Teleport - 80F (Blessed)ScrollView
TOI Teleport - 70F (Blessed)ScrollView
TOI Teleport - 60F (Blessed)ScrollView
TOI Teleport - 50F (Blessed)ScrollView
TOI Teleport - 40F (Blessed)ScrollView
TOI Teleport - 30F (Blessed)ScrollView
TOI Teleport - 20F (Blessed)ScrollView
TOI Teleport - 10F (Blessed)ScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - PI Dugeon 1FScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - PI Dugeon 2FScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - PI Dugeon 3FScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Abyss LakeScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - TI TrainingScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Pledge HouseScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Pledge HouseScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Ancient Space 3FScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Oum DungeonScrollView
Forgotten ScrollScrollView
Ticket to HellOtherView
Scroll of Teleportation - Temple of ShadowsScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - ToS 1FScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - ToS 2FScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - ToS 3FScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Polluted Land of BlScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Giran Hidden DungeoScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Giran Hidden DungeoScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Giran Hidden DungeoScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Count's RoomScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Heine Basement DungScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Kingdom of EvaScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Barbados HideoutScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Dwarf MineScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - WildernessScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Basement Floor 1 PaScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Basement Floor 2 GrScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Basement Floor 3 PaScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Basement Floor 2 HiScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Talking Island DungScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Talking Island DungScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Underground PassageScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Elven Forest DungeoScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Elven Forest DungeoScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Elven Forest DungeoScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Sanctuary of ObliviScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Sanctuary of ObliviScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Sanctuary of ObliviScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Garden Square 4FScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Elder Meeting Room ScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Pirate Island LizarScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Watery Grave of SpiScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Deep Sea Grave of SScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Losus IslandScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Room of WavesScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Room of FlamesScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Room of HurricanesScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Room of EarthquakesScrollView
Custom WandWandView
Potion of RevivalOtherView
Spirit Crystal(NaturesMiracle)SpellbookView
Fresh BaitOtherView
Scale of Shining LightOtherView
Karif PouchTreasure_boxView
Karif PouchTreasure_boxView
Karif PouchTreasure_boxView
Karif PouchTreasure_boxView
High Quality Pouch of KarifTreasure_boxView
High Quality Pouch of KarifTreasure_boxView
High Quality Pouch of KarifTreasure_boxView
High Quality Pouch of KarifTreasure_boxView
Scroll of SoulTreasure_boxView
Dark Crystal of SoulQuestitemView
Black Mithril LiquidQuestitemView
Blood Pledge LetterOtherView
Blood Pledge LetterOtherView
Cristmas CardEventView
Cristmas CardEventView
Valentines Day CardEventView
Valentines Day CardEventView
White Day CardEventView
White Day CardEventView
Ancient Gold Coin (Blessed)MaterialView
Diamond of Taros (Blessed)GemView
Ruby of Taros (Blessed)GemView
Sapphire of Taros (Blessed)GemView
Emerald of Taros (Blessed)GemView
Ice CrystalMaterialView
Ice Demon's PouchTreasure_boxView
Ice Queen's PouchTreasure_boxView
Ice Queen's BoxTreasure_boxView
Ice Castle KeyOtherView
Ice Castle KeyOtherView
Magic Doll: ElderOtherView
Magic Doll: CrustaceanOtherView
Magic Doll: Stone GolemOtherView
Shark EggsFoodView
Alligator MeatFoodView
Turtle Dragon EggFoodView
Kiwi Parrot MeatFoodView
Scorpion MeatFoodView
Elekkadom MeatFoodView
Spider Leg MeatFoodView
Crab MeatFoodView
Mixed Spices SaucePotionView
Cavier CanapeFoodView
Alligator SteakFoodView
Turtle Dragon CookieFoodView
Roasted Kiwi ParrotFoodView
Roasted ScorpionFoodView
Elekkadom StewFoodView
Roasted Spider Leg SkewersFoodView
Crab Meat SoupFoodView
Cavier Canape of FantasyFoodView
Alligator Steak of FantasyFoodView
Turtle Dragon Cookie of FantasyFoodView
Roasted Kiwi Parrot of FantasyFoodView
Roasted Scorpion of FantasyFoodView
Elekkadom Stew of FantasyFoodView
Roasted Spider Leg of FantasyFoodView
Crab Meat Soup of FantasyFoodView
Flower PillarOtherView
Flower PillarOtherView
Demon Bronze StatueOtherView
Drake Bronze StatueOtherView
Cougar Bronze StatueOtherView
Iris Bronze StatueOtherView
Great Minotaur Bronze StatueOtherView
Demon SpiritOtherView
Drake SpiritOtherView
Cougar SpiritOtherView
Iris SpiritOtherView
Great Minotaur SpiritOtherView
Incomplete LogbookQuestitemView
Incomplete LogbookQuestitemView
Incomplete LogbookQuestitemView
Incomplete LogbookQuestitemView
Incomplete LogbookQuestitemView
Incomplete LogbookQuestitemView
Incomplete LogbookQuestitemView
Incomplete LogbookQuestitemView
Incomplete LogbookQuestitemView
Incomplete LogbookQuestitemView
Dragon Tablet (Dragon Skin)SpellbookView
Dragon Tablet (Burning Slash)SpellbookView
Dragon Tablet (Guard Break)SpellbookView
Dragon Tablet (Magma Breath)SpellbookView
Dragon Tablet (Awakening : Antharas)SpellbookView
Dragon Tablet (Bloodlust)SpellbookView
Dragon Tablet (Foe Slayer)SpellbookView
Dragon Tablet (Fear)SpellbookView
Dragon Tablet (Shock Skin)SpellbookView
Dragon Tablet (Awakening : Fafurion)SpellbookView
Dragon Tablet (Mortal Body)SpellbookView
Dragon Tablet (Thunder Grab)SpellbookView
Dragon Tablet (Horror of Death)SpellbookView
Dragon Tablet (Freezing Breath)SpellbookView
Dragon Tablet (Awakening : Valakas)SpellbookView
Memory Crystal (Mirror Image)SpellbookView
Memory Crystal (Confusion)SpellbookView
Memory Crystal (Smash)SpellbookView
Memory Crystal (Illusion: Ogre)SpellbookView
Memory Crystal (Cube : Ignition)SpellbookView
Memory Crystal (Concentration)SpellbookView
Memory Crystal (Mind Break)SpellbookView
Memory Crystal (Bone Break)SpellbookView
Memory Crystal (Illusion: Lich)SpellbookView
Memory Crystal (Cube : Quake)SpellbookView
Memory Crystal (Patience)SpellbookView
Memory Crystal (Phantasm)SpellbookView
Memory Crystal (Arm Breaker)SpellbookView
Memory Crystal (Illusion: Diamond Golem)SpellbookView
Memory Crystal (Cube : Shock)SpellbookView
Memory Crystal (Insight)SpellbookView
Memory Crystal (Panic)SpellbookView
Memory Crystal (Joy of Pain)SpellbookView
Memory Crystal (Illusion: Avatar)SpellbookView
Memory Crystal (Cube : Balance)SpellbookView
Elemental StoneMaterialView
Bone of DragonMaterialView
Deep Sea Fish StewFoodView
Deep Sea Fish Stew of Fantasy (Blessed)FoodView
Deep Sea Fish MeatFoodView
Personal LubricantEventView
Nature's Blessing MagnetTreasure_boxView
Bag of magicQuestitemView
Essence of PhoenixMaterialView
Purity of FlameMaterialView
Pine Wand (Blessed)WandView
Maple Wand (Blessed)WandView
Lesser Healing Potion (Blessed)PotionView
Healing Potion (Blessed)PotionView
Greater Healing Potion (Blessed)PotionView
Haste Potion (Blessed)PotionView
Potion of Bravery (Blessed)PotionView
Potion of Mana (Blessed)PotionView
Potion of Wisdom (Blessed)PotionView
Greater Haste Potion (Blessed)PotionView
Lemon (Blessed)FoodView
Banana (Blessed)FoodView
Candy (Blessed)FoodView
Elven Wafer (Blessed)PotionView
Orange (Blessed)FoodView
Pizza (Blessed)FoodView
Scroll of Enchant Armor (Blessed)ScrollView
Scroll of Enchant Weapon (Blessed)ScrollView
Scroll of Polymorph (Blessed)ScrollView
Scroll of Resurrection (Blessed)ScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation (Blessed)ScrollView
Scroll of Curse Removal (Blessed)ScrollView
Gian's Scroll (Blessed)ScrollView
Kalba's Scroll (Blessed)ScrollView
Native's Totem (Blessed)OtherView
Fruit of Ent (Blessed)MaterialView
Warriors Signet (Howl)SpellbookView
Warriors Signet (Periodic Tick)SpellbookView
Warriors Signet (Power Grip)SpellbookView
Warriors Signet (Tomahawk)SpellbookView
Warriors Signet (Desperado) (Blessed)SpellbookView
Warriors Signet (Crash)SpellbookView
Warriors Signet (Fury)SpellbookView
Warriors Signet (Slayer)SpellbookView
Warriors Signet (Armor Guard)SpellbookView
Warriors Signet (Titan Rising)SpellbookView
Warriors Signet (Titan Blit)SpellbookView
Warriors Signet (Titan Magic)SpellbookView
Lesser Healing Potion (Cursed)PotionView
Scroll of Enchant Armor (Cursed)ScrollView
Scroll of Enchant Weapon (Cursed)ScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation (Cursed)ScrollView
Glowing Coal From Blazing Swamp (Blessed)ScrollView
Enhancement Scroll - EarthScrollView
Enhancement Scroll - WaterScrollView
Enhancement Scroll - LightScrollView
GM ArrowArrowView
Potion of Great ExperincePotionView
Mammon's Box of Luck (Blessed)Treasure_boxView
Gift Box of Gratitude (Blessed)Treasure_boxView
Potion of ExperincePotionView
Enhanced Potion of ExperincePotionView
Adamantite NuggetMaterialView
Animal SkinMaterialView
Arcsmith's AnvilMaterialView
Blacksmith's FrameMaterialView
Artisan's FrameMaterialView
Braided HempMaterialView
Compound BraidMaterialView
Crafted LeatherMaterialView
Crystal - BMaterialView
Crystal - AMaterialView
Crystal - NGMaterialView
Crystal - S80MaterialView
Crystal - SMaterialView
Durable Metal PlateMaterialView
Gemstone - AMaterialView
Gemstone - BMaterialView
Gemstone - CMaterialView
Gemstone - DMaterialView
Gemstone - SMaterialView
High Grade SuedeMaterialView
Leonin's MoldMaterialView
Maestro Anvil LockMaterialView
Maestro HolderMaterialView
Metallic FiberMaterialView
Metallic ThreadMaterialView
Mithril AlloyMaterialView
Mold GlueMaterialView
Mold HardenerMaterialView
Mold LubricantMaterialView
Oriharukon OreMaterialView
Silver NuggetMaterialView
Steel MoldMaterialView
Stone of PurityMaterialView
Synthetic CokesMaterialView
Varnish of PurityMaterialView
Warsmith's HolderMaterialView
Warsmith's MoldMaterialView
Craftsman MoldMaterialView
Coarse Bone PowderMaterialView
Sealed Armor of Nightmare PatternMaterialView
Sealed Boots of Nightmare LiningMaterialView
Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare DesignMaterialView
Sealed Cloak of Nightmare LiningMaterialView
Sealed Helm of Nightmare DesignMaterialView
Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare FabricMaterialView
Sealed Nightmare Robe FabricMaterialView
Sword of Miracles EdgeMaterialView
Dragon Slayer EdgeMaterialView
Dark Legion's Edge BladeMaterialView
Soul Separator HeadMaterialView
Dragon Grinder EdgeMaterialView
Tallum Glaive EdgeMaterialView
Soul Bow StaffMaterialView
Dualsword Craft StampMaterialView
Branch of the Mother Tree HeadMaterialView
Sealed Shield of Nightmare FragmentMaterialView
Animal BoneMaterialView
Mountain DewPotionView
Bag of Vitality RewardsTreasure_boxView
Coca ColaPotionView
Glowing Twigs From Forest of Strength (Blessed)ScrollView
Sealed Phoenix Ring GemstoneMaterialView
Sealed Phoenix Earring GemstoneMaterialView
Sealed Phoenix Necklace BeadsMaterialView
Sealed Majestic Earring GemstoneMaterialView
Sealed Majestic Ring GemstoneMaterialView
Sealed Majestic Necklace BeadsMaterialView
Maestro MoldMaterialView
Silver MoldMaterialView
Sealed Tallum Boots DesignMaterialView
Sealed Tallum Gloves DesignMaterialView
Sealed Tallum Helmet DesignMaterialView
Sealed Tallum Leather Armor PatternMaterialView
Sealed Tallum Plate Armor PatternMaterialView
Sealed Tallum Stockings FabricMaterialView
Sealed Tallum Tunic TextureMaterialView
Sealed Majestic Boots LiningMaterialView
Sealed Majestic Circlet DesignMaterialView
Sealed Majestic Guantlets DesignMaterialView
Sealed Majestic Leather Armor FabricMaterialView
Sealed Majestic Plate Armor PatternMaterialView
Sealed Majestic Robe FabricMaterialView
Sealed Dark Crystal Boots LiningMaterialView
Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate PatternMaterialView
Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters PatternMaterialView
Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves DesignMaterialView
Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet DesignMaterialView
Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor PatternMaterialView
Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings DesignMaterialView
Sealed Dark Crystal Robe FabricMaterialView
Sealed Dark Crystal Shield FragmentMaterialView
Forgotten Blade EdgeMaterialView
Heavens Divider EdgeMaterialView
Draconic Bow ShaftMaterialView
Arcana Mace HeadMaterialView
Basalt Battlehammer HeadMaterialView
Imperial Staff HeadMaterialView
Dragon Hunter Axe BladeMaterialView
Angel Slayer BladeMaterialView
Demon Splinter BladeMaterialView
Saint Spear BladeMaterialView
Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate PartMaterialView
Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet PatternMaterialView
Sealed Major Arcana Circlet PatternMaterialView
Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet PatternMaterialView
Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets DesignMaterialView
Sealed Major Arcana Boots DesignMaterialView
Sealed Draconic Leather Boots DesignMaterialView
Sealed Major Arcana Gloves FabricMaterialView
Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters PatternMaterialView
Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves FabricMaterialView
Sealed Major Arcana Robe PartMaterialView
Sealed Draconic Leather Armor PartMaterialView
Sealed Tateossian Earring PartMaterialView
Sealed Tateossian Necklace ChainMaterialView
Sealed Tateossian Ring GemMaterialView
Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield PartMaterialView
Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots DesignMaterialView
Sealed Majestic Cape DesignMaterialView
Sealed Dark Crystal Cape DesignMaterialView
Sealed Tallum Cape DesignMaterialView
Dark Crystal GaitersMaterialView
Dark Crystal GaitersMaterialView
Tallum StockingsMaterialView
Dark Crystal LeggingsMaterialView
Seal of Hurricane - S80ScrollView
Box of Vitality RewardsTreasure_boxView
Seal of Pledge Heal - S80ScrollView
Seal of Hydro Blast - S80ScrollView
Magic Doll: PrincessOtherView
Soul Shot - APotionView
Soul Shot - NGPotionView
Soul Shot - SPotionView
Soul Shot - S80PotionView
Soul Shot - BPotionView
Soul OreMaterialView
Seal of Apocholypse - S80ScrollView
PvP Arena Reward BagTreasure_boxView
PvP Arena Reward JarTreasure_boxView
PvP Arena Reward BoxTreasure_boxView
PvP Arena Reward ChestTreasure_boxView
Potion of De-LevelingPotionView
Fluid of the Gods: StrengthPotionView
Fluid of the Gods: DextarityPotionView
Fluid of the Gods: ConstituionPotionView
Fluid of the Gods: InteligencePotionView
Fluid of the Gods: WisdomPotionView
Fluid of the Gods: CharismaPotionView
Ancient RelicMaterialView
Spare Weapon PartsTreasure_boxView
Glowing Relic of Imperial Tomb (Blessed)ScrollView
Blood of GafadonMaterialView
Blood of FenrirMaterialView
Blood of OdinMaterialView
Blood of HeliosMaterialView
Blood of YmirMaterialView
Blood of Atum RaMaterialView
Magic Doll: NinjaOtherView
Seal of Vampric RageScrollView
Costume PouchTreasure_boxView
Costume PouchTreasure_boxView
Pumpkin CoinEventView
Ticket to Halloween LandScrollView
Mark of ValorOtherView
Mark of BloodOtherView
Mark of AllianceOtherView
Mark of AspirationOtherView
Vial of Knight BloodOtherView
Vial of Mage BloodOtherView
Vial of Royal BloodOtherView
Vial of Elf BloodOtherView
Vial of Dark Elf BloodOtherView
Omega FlareOtherView
Pagan's MarkQuestitemView
Book of Great MagicQuestitemView
Guide to True NatureQuestitemView
Manual for Pure CombatQuestitemView
Royal Guidelines of LifeQuestitemView
Dark Manual of SkillQuestitemView
Seal of Magic Blade - S80ScrollView
Seal of Sonic Rage - S80ScrollView
FunLand TicketsOtherView
Funland PassScrollView
White StoneMaterialView
Dragon JuicePotionView
Red StockingTreasure_boxView
Green StockingTreasure_boxView
Yellow StockingTreasure_boxView
Yellow Stocking (Cursed)Treasure_boxView
Christmas GiftTreasure_boxView
GM CandyPotionView
Bannerfish ScalesQuestitemView
Yellow Tropical Fish ScalesQuestitemView
Blue Tropical Fish ScalesQuestitemView
Striped Fish ScalesQuestitemView
GoldFish ScalesQuestitemView
Deep Sea Anemone MeatQuestitemView
Sea Anemone MeatQuestitemView
Box of Helmet PartsTreasure_boxView
Box of Armor PartsTreasure_boxView
Box of Glove PartsTreasure_boxView
Box of Boot PartsTreasure_boxView
Box of Accessory PartsTreasure_boxView
Eva's PearlQuestitemView
Spirit Blast - AScrollView
Angry Soul ShardQuestitemView
Sad Soul ShardQuestitemView
Pure Soul ShardQuestitemView
Lost Soul ShardQuestitemView
Weakened Spirit BladeQuestitemView
Charged Spirit BladeQuestitemView
Shadow Burst - AScrollView
Seal - AScrollView
Slash Stun - AScrollView
Greater Box of LuckTreasure_boxView
Reaper Book Slash StunTreasure_boxView
Lost Book of ShadowQuestitemView
Lost Book of SpiritsQuestitemView
Gm Spell TesterScrollView
Blue Box of GratitudeTreasure_boxView
Yellow Box of GratitudeTreasure_boxView
Purple Box of GratitudeTreasure_boxView
Red Box of GratitudeTreasure_boxView
Orange Box of GratitudeTreasure_boxView
Green Box of GratitudeTreasure_boxView
Teal Box of GratitudeTreasure_boxView
Gift CoinOtherView
Adena PouchTreasure_boxView
Magic Doll: Sea DancerOtherView
Hearts Trail TokenPotionView
Bombs Trail TokenPotionView
Fire Trail TokenPotionView
Eyes Trail TokenPotionView
Magic Trail TokenPotionView
Volcanic Trail TokenPotionView
Counter Trail TokenPotionView
Immunity PotionPotionView
Fire StoneScrollView
Earth StoneScrollView
Water StoneScrollView
Wind StoneScrollView
Assassin's Creed - S80ScrollView
Gaia's Blessing - S80ScrollView
Quadruple Shot - S80ScrollView
Spirit Shot - NGPotionView
Spirit Shot - BPotionView
Spirit Shot - APotionView
Spirit Shot - SPotionView
Spirit Shot - S80PotionView
Spirit OreMaterialView
Enchanter's BoxTreasure_boxView
Lesser Soul Energy BatteryPotionView
Soul Energy BatteryPotionView
Greater Soul Energy BatteryPotionView
Gender Changing PotionPotionView
Scroll of BragScrollView
ToI Weapon VoucherOtherView
Seal of Reaper Magic: Gaia's BlessingTreasure_boxView
Seal of Reaper Magic: Assassin's CreedTreasure_boxView
Blood StoneQuestitemView
Blood StoneQuestitemView
Blood StoneQuestitemView
Blood StoneQuestitemView
Blood StoneQuestitemView
Vial of Reaper BloodQuestitemView
Temporary ToI Representative PassQuestitemView
Tower of Insolence Warrior BadgeQuestitemView
Super BravePotionView
L CardEventView
I CardEventView
N CardEventView
E CardEventView
A CardEventView
G CardEventView
Z CardEventView
J CardEventView
K CardEventView
O CardEventView
R CardEventView
P CardEventView
1 CardEventView
. CardEventView
5 CardEventView
L1.5 Prize BoxTreasure_boxView
Lineage Prize BoxTreasure_boxView
Zajako Prize BoxTreasure_boxView
Reaper Prize BoxTreasure_boxView
DE TokenEventView
Elf TokenEventView
Locked Gamble BoxScrollView
Rename CoinOtherView
Ultra Elixir: StrengthPotionView
Ultra Elixir: ConstitutionPotionView
Ultra Elixir: DexterityPotionView
Ultra Elixir: IntelligencePotionView
Ultra Elixir: WisdomPotionView
Ultra Elixir: CharismaPotionView
Spell BoxTreasure_boxView
Lucky Dice!PotionView
Potion of LearningPotionView
Potion of LuckPotionView
Magic Doll: CockatriceOtherView
Magic Doll: ScarecrowOtherView
Magic Doll: LichOtherView
Weak Elixir of StrengthPotionView
Weak Elixir of ConstitutionPotionView
Weak Elixir of DexterityPotionView
Weak Elixir of IntelligencePotionView
Weak Elixir of WisdomPotionView
Weak Elixir of CharismaPotionView
Candy PailEventView
Unripe PumpkinTreasure_boxView
Rotten PumpkinTreasure_boxView
Ripe PumpkinEventView
Burnt PumpkinTreasure_boxView
Glowing Jack O LanternTreasure_boxView
Evil Jack O LanternTreasure_boxView
Haunted SkullEventView
Special CandleEventView
Primative MatchstickEventView
Ripe Pumpkin with CandleEventView
Haunted Ripe PumpkinEventView
Large Halloween CandyEventView
Halloween CandyEventView
Lucky Coin!PotionView
Dragon's Eye Ruby RingQuestitemView
Winter's Ice DiamondQuestitemView
First Frost Sapphire RingQuestitemView
Verdant Summer NecklaceQuestitemView
Fertile Moon Opal EarringsQuestitemView
Tuala's RewardTreasure_boxView
Crack Death Knight ElixerPotionView
Mana Restoration PotionPotionView
Immunity PerfumePotionView
Super Heal DraughtPotionView
Savior ApplePotionView
Skeleton HandOtherView
Spellbook ChestTreasure_boxView
Box of Spirit CrystalsTreasure_boxView
Box of Technical DocumentsTreasure_boxView
Dark Spirit Crystal CapsuleTreasure_boxView
Royal Spellbook BoxTreasure_boxView
Dragon Tablet BagTreasure_boxView
Memory Crystal JarTreasure_boxView
Soul Shot - CPotionView
Spirit Shot - CPotionView
Scroll of Elemental Beginnings: FireScrollView
Scroll of Elemental Beginnings: EarthScrollView
Scroll of Elemental Beginnings: WaterScrollView
Scroll of Elemental Beginnings: WindScrollView
Orc TotemQuestitemView
Orc Sorcerer EarringsQuestitemView
Tainted Ogre BloodQuestitemView
Severed Goblin HeadQuestitemView
Imp EyesQuestitemView
Skeletal SkullQuestitemView
Zombie HeartQuestitemView
Warewolf FangsQuestitemView
Dire Wolf ClawsQuestitemView
Potion of LawPotionView
Potion of Full LawPotionView
Loaded StockingTreasure_boxView
Red PresentEventView
Black PresentEventView
Crimson PresentEventView
Yellow PresentEventView
Purple PresentEventView
Silver Christmas GiftTreasure_boxView
Gold Christmas GiftTreasure_boxView
Magic Doll: SnowmanOtherView
Christmas CakePotionView
Icicle ArrowsArrowView
Christmas GiftTreasure_boxView
Ice GemQuestitemView
Fire GemQuestitemView
Ice CrystalQuestitemView
Fire CrystalQuestitemView
Ice MetalQuestitemView
Fire MetalQuestitemView
Magic SnowflakeQuestitemView
Magic RaindropQuestitemView
Jar of Magic RaindropsQuestitemView
Magic Doll: RamiaOtherView
Doll CoinOtherView
Silver Doll PackageTreasure_boxView
Gold Doll PackageTreasure_boxView
Power Doll: BugbearOtherView
Skill Doll: BugbearOtherView
Power Doll: SuccubusOtherView
Skill Doll: SuccubusOtherView
Power Doll: WerewolfOtherView
Skill Doll: WerewolfOtherView
Power Doll: ElderOtherView
Skill Doll: ElderOtherView
Power Doll: CrustaceanOtherView
Skill Doll: CrustaceanOtherView
Power Doll: Stone GolemOtherView
Skill Doll: Stone GolemOtherView
Power Doll: PrincessOtherView
Skill Doll: PrincessOtherView
Power Doll: NinjaOtherView
Skill Doll: NinjaOtherView
Power Doll: Sea DancerOtherView
Skill Doll: Sea DancerOtherView
Power Doll: CockatriceOtherView
Skill Doll: CockatriceOtherView
Power Doll: ScarecrowOtherView
Skill Doll: ScarecrowOtherView
Power Doll: LichOtherView
Skill Doll: LichOtherView
Power Doll: SnowmanOtherView
Skill Doll: SnowmanOtherView
Power Doll: RamiaOtherView
Skill Doll: RamiaOtherView
Soul Enchantment Scroll: WeaponScrollView
Soul Enchantment Scroll: Weapon (Blessed)ScrollView
Eye of Enemy HealthPotionView
Modern AdenaOtherView
Potion of Soul AttractionPotionView
Potion of MerchantPotionView
Soul Egg of PowerQuestitemView
Powerful Soul FabricQuestitemView
Ancient Sewing NeedleQuestitemView
Doll Training BookPotionView
Vitality CoinOtherView
Savior BeadsPotionView
Scroll of Spell EvasionScrollView
Crystal of ProtectionPotionView
Pharaoh's GoldOtherView
X-Potion LitePotionView
X-Potion MediumPotionView
X-Potion FullPotionView
Cimaera ScaleMaterialView
Beholder Eye JuiceMaterialView
Lesser Demon HornMaterialView
Skeleton BonesMaterialView
Scale of a Lesser DragonMaterialView
Elmore SpearMaterialView
Smoldering Astagio AshesMaterialView
Darkness Hunter BowMaterialView
Poisonous ArrowsArrowView
Bottle o' Guinness (Blessed)PotionView
Mid-Grade Elixir StrengthPotionView
Mid-Grade Elixir ConstitutionPotionView
Mid-Grade Elixir DexterityPotionView
Mid-Grade Elixir IntelligencePotionView
Mid-Grade Elixir WisdomPotionView
Mid-Grade Elixir CharismaPotionView
Personal MassagerEventView
Bunny Leg FurEventView
Bunny Chest FurEventView
Bunny Fur StripEventView
Bunny Fur NecklaceEventView
Green EggEventView
Gold EggEventView
Easter BasketTreasure_boxView
Goodie BagTreasure_boxView
Wedding BubblesEventView
Missing FlourEventView
Missing ButterEventView
Missing SugarEventView
Missing Funfetti SprinklesEventView
Missing Vanilla ExtractEventView
Event Wedding CakeEventView
Event Birthday CakeEventView
Magic Bell of IntuitionOtherView
Bride BouquetEventView
Maid of Honor BouquetEventView
Bridesmaid BouquetEventView
Flower SeedEventView
Magic Growth PowderEventView
Magic Growth CatalystEventView
Glowing Flower SeedEventView
Large Glowing Flower SeedEventView
Crimson Oscillation CrystalMaterialView
Azure Oscillation CrystalMaterialView
Onyx Oscillation CrystalMaterialView
Golden Oscillation CrystalMaterialView
Ivory Oscillation CrystalMaterialView
Whip of SecMaterialView
Scroll of Teleportation - Lost Sect SkaroScrollView
L1.5 Welcome BoxTreasure_boxView
Soul Enchantment Scroll: ArmorScrollView
Soul Enchantment Scroll: Armor (Blessed)ScrollView
Crafting Pliers - JEWELEROtherView
Crafting Hammer - ARMORSMITHOtherView
Crafting Anvil - WEAPONSMITHOtherView
Pick Axe - MINEROtherView
Gathering Basket - FORAGEROtherView
Chemistry Set - ALCHEMISTOtherView
Chef's Cookbook - CHEFOtherView
Crafting Needle - SEAMSTRESSOtherView
Incubator - VITALITYOtherView
Gene Splicer - VITALITYOtherView
Hatchery - VITALITYOtherView
Crimson Stability OreMaterialView
Azure Stability OreMaterialView
Onyx Stability OreMaterialView
Golden Stability OreMaterialView
Ivory Stability OreMaterialView
Crimson Stability FluidMaterialView
Azure Stability FluidMaterialView
Onyx Stability FluidMaterialView
Golden Stability FluidMaterialView
Ivory Stability FluidMaterialView
Stable Crimson MetalMaterialView
Stable Azure MetalMaterialView
Stable Onyx MetalMaterialView
Stable Golden MetalMaterialView
Stable Ivory MetalMaterialView
Ivory ThreadMaterialView
Ivory ClothMaterialView
Natural PowderMaterialView
Poisonous SporeMaterialView
Poison FlowerMaterialView
Sticky MushroomsMaterialView
Sacred LumberMaterialView
Thorn of FirebushMaterialView
Poison GooMaterialView
Poison MetalMaterialView
Night CrystalMaterial